Friday, October 28, 2011
2011 Loosening of Foot
Directed by: Craig Brewer
Amid all the illegal partying and fun the youth main characters have in this movie in order to hold the viewers attention, there is a underlying meaning that rings true. Ren MacCormack, an outsider who moves into the town, takes initiative to abolish the laws that prevent everyone from expressing themselves through dance and always being reminded of the loss of a loved one. Ren spends the time to study the laws of church and state, the separation between the two, and how the people in a society should have the freedom to dance, sing and praise when and where they personally see fit. This film reminds viewers that everyone has a choice and voice in governmental situations, and the rights of humanity stand true in any situation, whether it be to able to put on a town dance or having the right to marry whomever you please.
The characters are brilliantly portrayed, from the reverend's daughter going through a identity crisis to Willard the high school comedian with redneck blood flowing strongly through his veins. There are big shoes to fill when remaking a classic film, and this 2011 reproduction of Footloose did an excellent job, if not a better one.
Life Is a Dream
Playwright: Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Performed by: BYU Idaho theater students
Here's a story that can be summed up in a very short synopsis. There's a locked up prince who has anger issues, a neglecting father who somehow found a way to become king, a guard who apparently sleeps around and therefore doesn't know where any of his reproductions are, and a girl who insists on being a man. They all run around the castle dealing with love triangles, murder, and never really talking about the people they govern, too absorbed in their own lives to care. Even the battle at the end is for their own personal gain, to bring the prince out of imprisonment to rule the people. Remember, this prince with anger problems, who is a murderer, and knows nothing about ruling a kingdom? Yes, that man is who they want to free and bring to the throne. A man with no training, no knowledge of government, who is practically a beast who's been locked away his whole life and suddenly who is able to rule the land. Wouldn't be my first choice I'll tell you that.
The actors were definitely not professional, but were able to express the intensity of the play. They yelled a lot, which was only justified when the imprisoned prince would have his outbursts for of course he didn't have any social ques. But when emphasis is needed within a play it does not always mean you have to shout to emphasize, for even when you lower your voice it invites the audience to listen even more carefully, entrapping them in their humanity.
Now that I've gotten out all of my negativity about the play out in the open, I suppose it's time to express what I really enjoyed about the play. Though it was performed distastefully, besides the comic relief, the writing was quite magnificent. Introducing an ultimate question, is life a dream? What is real and what is make believe? The prince is faced with this struggle of knowing if he is a true heir of the throne, or a dreamer trapped in prison. Once he defeats the king and takes his place at the throne he still states that he may be dreaming, but he would enjoy it while it lasts. Saying that all happiness ends at one point, so you might as well savor it while it is in your grasp. Some may say that this is a very cynical outlook on life, I'd say that it sums up the hills and valleys we as mere mortals have to endure in existence.
Overall, good message though its cynical, but too prolonged and poorly performed for only one good message.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Dear Fairytale,
Don't you find it a little weird that a woman would sit so willingly in a tower? And if that wasn't enough, you had to put in the ridiculous notion that she is waiting for a man to come get her? You obviously have not lived in the real world... Let me let you in on a little secret, things do not work out the way you have been "taling" them.
There are no knights (so bold as to rescue these princesses), there is no chivalry, they are dead. Frankly, its better without all of those faeux cliches. Men wear their realities in daylight now, not hidden by armor. True love's first kiss doesn't happen the first time around, it usually takes practice for most men to get it right. And lets face it, men aren't as handsome as

they used to be.
Us women should look at it as a blessing, really. Now we don't have to be so surpri
sed when we get conned into marrying one these men, we usually know what were getting into.
But now were faced with a problem. Women aren't willing to wait in a tower for their prince anymore, they've found that they can rescue themselves. And by doing that they find this independence that prevents them from depending on any man. Leaving men with two options, fight for a lost cause, or just live without trying to find the woman of their dreams. What could possibly be our solution?
This is the part where I have you break the bad news to you, my friend... You see, we (the real world) are going to have to let you go. You're of no help anymore, in fact you're actually hindering reality. As sweet and romantic you make your stories sound, they just aren't cutting it. They don't portray the truth of love. Love does not need to be proved by the breaking of any spell. It is proved by faithfulness, perseverance, willingness, and a kind heart. There is so much more to women than being in distress. We have as much of a right to save men as they have in saving us.
Sorry to let you go in such a harsh letter, I really wish we could have done this in person... But you insisted on written verses to be our only communication. May I suggest updating to the new generation? We are all advancing, how bout you hop on for the ride?
With regards,
Those who were stupid enough to think you would actually work out...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Broken Hearts Heal...
I'm not going to send this to you, not tonight. But it has to be said...
You are a coward. And I, I am brave. There is no question, I loved with no boundary.
You say there is no foundation where we stand, there is no grey area where we stood.
You would say anything to mask the truth, you gave up.
One being cannot control the love of two,
One being cannot control the sea as it crashes down on the sand.
I cannot chase away your memory, I'm not sitting in your fantasies anymore.
I say with full confidence that I won, I cannot regret anything I've said.
You cannot say the same, you lie on your own bed of lies.
No tune can suppress the pain I feel.
I wish we could be real, That I could breathe you in everyday.
Luckily, for me, wishes do not come true.
I was ready, there was no time to sit and doubt, we both felt something.
When life comes you pick it up and run with it, nothing should falter.
I could have given you the world, I would have if you let me.
I never wanted anything so much, you were my eternity.
And now you have vanished, faded into the spots of passing faces.
And I call you coward because I have that right.. As the one who let you in.
I am the one who took the chance.. I took it alone.
I stand tall, and face the storm that is my life. Living another day standing on my own.
There will be someone beside me, that day is not today, but he will come.
And he... He will deserve my love more than any other. He will heal me of this curse.
So sit in your regret, dear child... And know that someday you may find solace..
But also know that I found it first, I grasped the love more fully, I jumped..
And you, you are still sitting on the cliff face afraid of the fall..
As I am flying into the rising sun...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I want to be kissed by the rain
And kissed under its falling droplets
I will dance in the rain...
Splash in puddle after puddle
With no fear in getting wet
And I will just stand, simply stand
Letting the rain fall upon my head
My shoulders
My nose
And then I will look up facing the rain,
Close my eyes and feel its essence
And I will let myself fall in love,
As easily as it falls from the sky.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
For Aaron...

Have you...
Ever noticed that when the wind blows it is only recognized by those who are waiting to feel?Ever seen a flower refuse to blossom because someone was watching?
Ever laid down in the middle of the street to ponder on how precious life is?
Ever danced with the waves of music at your fingertips?
Ever walked upon the sands of a beach with your eyes closed to feel every rock beneath your toes?
Ever embraced the day as though it were an adventure knocking at your door?
Never leave someone hopeless, or neglect love because of the intrusion of pride.
Love with your full heart, do not hold back, there is no way of knowing what the future may hold.
Have courage, who is stopping you?
Embrace Faith. Welcome Hope. Live.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011

We as humans are not subject to change.
Life has a rhythm, the human body itself is by nature consistent in its work.
The heart beats steadily.
The lungs take and release air constantly.
Every time there is a laceration in the skin it is healed.
The rhythm will continue this way until death, and even then our scars will heal.
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