Monday, July 20, 2009

Waking up in the morning with a blob in your brain stunts the thought
A thought of wanting and waiting, for the eternal day
One of a savior, someone who will realize listening is more than heard
Crunching mind confusion into the schedule of life itself,
Never once continuing a life undone, only curving the carcuss

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Philosophical Moment

Life is based and built one moment at a time. Those who take in the moment as a gift, rather than neglecting it for later consideration, are those who fulfill the most out of life. One cannot feel true gratitude for life if they don't feel the moments of their life. Take it in. Every breath breathes a future of adventure and passion of choice. Beauty develops through the choice of that passion and the accomplishments that bloom from one's character in those dreams. A true human lives their own life knowing who they are, not who they should be.